Hello, my name is Seth and I have Asperger’s Syndrome. I like having it because I see the world in a different way. I have a hard time understanding other people’s expressions. Drawing and writing are my pastimes. Crowds and noisy places confuse me. My brain seems to run fast in all directions. If there are too many activities, this overloads me. I am very compassionate toward other people’s feelings.

God has created me with a unique purpose and plan. God has also made each individual person with a gift or a certain talent for His purpose. Even though God has created us with a plan of His own likeness, we suffer from a problem known as sin. Sin separates us from God. God wants us to have a personal relationship with Him and when we sin or do wrong it prevents us from having a great relationship between us and God.

God will not let any type of sin into His Kingdom called Heaven. God sent his son Jesus to come into this sinful world to save His people from sin. Through Him, we have salvation and eternal life. If we accept God’s free gift of salvation from sin, He is willing to forgive us and save us from all sin and wrong. Will YOU accept God’s gift of salvation today?